WASHINGTON — Sen. Michael Bennet is heading to the Mexican border with a handful of other “Gang of Eight” senators toiling on comprehensive immigration reform legislation, his office confirmed Friday.
Bennet will go down for a one-day trip to a not-yet-announced location Wednesday.
In addition to Bennet, the eight senators — four Republicans and four Democrats — working on immigration reform include Republican Sens. Marco Rubio and John McCain and Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer.
It was unclear Friday whether everyone was taking the trip or just a few of them.
Congress is on a two-week recess. The group’s proposal is expected to be introduced shortly after Easter.
It will likely call for a 10 to 15-year path to citizenship for the 11 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States, some increased border security and an avenue to go to college or serve in the military for undocumented young people who graduated from an American high school.